1.5 hour Session


Connecting with your animal in this way can be the most loving experience and often brings about a deeper understanding and relationship between you and your animal.



Telepathy is a heart-based means of communicating through images, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

It is a non-verbal universal language that is available to all beings and knows no boundaries with regards to time or distance.

We are all born knowing how to communicate telepathically but often over time we lose this beautiful heart-based channel of communication and instead put more focus on the mind-based verbal and written language.

Animals communicate telepathically with each other. When I communicate with animals, I simply access this channel of communication and connect with the animals through their telepathic language. My conversation with the animal will be a two-way conversation whereby I can convey their thoughts and feelings. Connecting with your animal in this way can be the most loving experience and often brings about a deeper understanding and relationship between you and your animal.



I am not a trained physician and will not diagnose or treat any medical condition. I do not predict the future or channel information that lies outside of what we are working on in our session. I work only with people who give me their permission to do so.

It is an honor to be able to do interspecies communication and I am grateful for everyone who gives me the opportunity to do this work. It is my intention to always do good, work with the highest integrity, ethics, transparency and with love for humanity, the animal kingdom and our planet. I only work with people who give me their permission to do so and hold our sessions in the sacred space it deserves. Click to our complete Ethical Guidelines.

I do not share your personal information with anyone, and your sessions are completely confidential. I am bound by the same confidentiality ethics as any medical or health professional. Click to see our complete Privacy Policy.

Should you wish to cancel or reschedule your booked appointment this can be done through the link sent to you when you booked your consultation. All consultations cancelled or rescheduled more than 48 hours prior to the appointment will be rescheduled or refunded in full. Any bookings cancelled less than 48 hours in advance will not be refunded.


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