Wild Whispers Interspecies Comunications

Get clarity in your life. Receive universal wisdom and guidance from an ascended Master.

In 2014 the cutest little black 6-week-old kitten turned up on our doorstep. We hadn’t planned on getting a cat and to be honest it was probably the most inconvenient time to get a cat as we were planning a move in a couple of months but Baloo, as we later named him, was very persistent in becoming part of our family.

Since I was a child, I have been able to connect with different spiritual realms. I would see committees of spirits as a little girl and experienced all sorts of spiritual entities and dimensions as I was growing up but prior to meeting Baloo, I had never had a two-way conversation with an animal.

What started out as a conversation with my husband where I said ‘you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I swear I can hear Baloo talking to me’ developed into a full-fledged emersion into the world of animal and interspecies communication.

I have for the last 7 years trained with the renowned Nancy Windheart Animal Communication Academy and have had the pleasure of experiencing the most ‘out of this world’ interspecies conversations.

As my communication with Baloo developed, I realized that Baloo had a lot to say. He would communicate great wisdom and insights that lay beyond my own knowledge and capability. He would communicate information about the world, the universe, various spiritual realms, and he would give the most insightful and clear communication on any topic that I raised. It was during these sessions where he showed me that he is an ascended Master and has lived many lifetimes.

As I shared my experience with people around me, they became curious to talk to Baloo. His great wisdom and clarity made him popular and before I knew it, I was offering channeling sessions frequently.

When you book a Channeling Session with Baloo, I will be the translator between you and Baloo. Attempting to describe with words what Baloo can offer during a session simply does not do him justice. He is to be experienced to fully understand who he is and the insights he can offer you.

Wild Whispers Interspecies Comunications

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Bring to light the great wisdom and healing available through Animal Communication.

Wild Whispers Interspecies Comunications

I tragically and unexpectantly lost my cat baby boy Elliot on a warm afternoon at home in April 2020. So many unanswered questions like: why, how, what did I do wrong, where is he? Replaying the scene over and over again in my head, wondering about what I should have done; or could have done to change that reality. Mix of anger, self-blame, guilt, helplessness and so many other feelings flooded my mind. With all that, in my desperation and hoping I could find some answers, I contacted Christina.

Christina is the sort of person you immediately feel comfortable with. Her warmth and motherly aura truly makes her unique. She was able to contact my boy Elliot and give me so many answers and more. She helped me understand and see things that I was not able to do on my own. After a long online session, I finally found peace. I finally found answers. I can let go.

I would like to truly thank you again for illuminating my healing process with Elliots loss. I honestly could finally find the peace I was looking for once we had our conversation.

Karin, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Wild Whispers Interspecies Comunications